Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There is No Joy in August

No joy in August
No holidays to celebrate
Or summers to anticipate
There is no joy

No hope for a last trip
Taking the last dips in pools
or oceans, water
glides off the body for the last time

Memories are real
Experiences are had
Not glad for August
Because there is no joy in August

Birthdays of people
That I am unable to celebrate
Thinking of harboring hate
for August because.

There is no joy
In the upcoming semester
pens and keyboards are abused
Autumn, where things die, whither first, just as bad

A precursor to sadness
Fleeting joys may as well be unreal
Better than to feel
the real joylessness of August.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pretty inspiring design firm located out of Philly. Check their work out.

It's funny sometimes, what art can do to a person. Move them to tears, to anger, to revolt, to relish, to reminisce, to reflect, to rise up, to let down your world-weary guard. Just the fact that color, form, and canvas of some sort can provoke anything out of anybody. A response, perhaps even a quickened pulse.

It's amazing when you really consider it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Low Interest, High Return.

President Obama recently awarded sixteen individuals with the Medal of Freedom, an honor that was originated after World War II to acknowledge outstanding civilian service. Since then, it's been expanded quite a bit, and every honoree has been distinguished among his/her peers. These people are real agents of change, they trancend gender, cynicsm, and political borders in order to better the world. I believe in God, the fallibility of man, and the downward spiraling perpetuality of the world we're in, but these people, if this God-damed place ever had the chance, are among closest things to reversing that flow.

A particular honoree that I want to mention is Dr. Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank. Not your ordinary blood(money)-sucking megalomanical curmudgeon of Wall Street. Based out of Bangledesh, this motherfucker loans billions of dollars to poor people. I mean dirt-poor people, and unfortunately for most parts of the world, this means women. Women at home, struggling through their days, not worrying about what purse to match with their stilletos for a night out to paint the town red, but if they are even going to feed their starving children or not.

He runs a bank that loans to this clientele. Borrowing Interest? Fuck it. They'll pay it back in small, low-interest installments, and there are no late fees. They're dirt poor? Fuck it. They'll pay it back, they'll just pay back in really small fucking installments. They don't have a car to get to a nearby bank? Fuck it. We'll go to them and do our corporate banking door-to-door. This shit will never work. Fuck it. We believe in the goodness and virtue of people and will place our bank's success solely in their hands. And it's worked. 98% of customers, low-end down and out customers, pay their balances in full and have forged new lives for themselves, their families, and their communities. Some have even trained to become franchisees for Grameen. Little did I know, he recently began a branch in Jackson Heights queens for the same demographic. I was also given the honor to hear him speak at a recent conference in LA. Low-key, simple, and groundbreaking in his thinking. A pretty amazing man. It's funny to think that the notion of TRUST is groundbreaking.

At one point in our lives, we have to go out in faith. I am talking blind, is-there-someone-lurking-behind-that-dark-corridor-i-hear-noises-but-let-me-go-see-anyway faith. Faith in God, specifically, you know, faith that actually falls into context with the definition of the word. Not seeing, but still believing. Otherwise, we will toil in mediocrity, live a Godot life, and die regretting more than cherishing things we will by then have experienced. Faith is the name of the game, if you want to make lasting impressions on the world and for yourselves, not to mention the ones that will carry your legacy onto the next generation.

To believe is to see.

Grameen Bank Stockholder Meeting. I shit you not.